Since 2004, Second Gear has been the go-to destination in Asheville for outdoor enthusiasts looking for quality equipment at a fraction of retail prices. Whether you're into hiking, climbing, camping, paddling, or cycling, this locally owned outdoor consignment shop ensures you can gear up without overspending. With a constantly updated selection of gently used and new outdoor gear from top brands, Second Gear makes adventure accessible and sustainable for everyone.
Second Gear offers an extensive selection of secondhand and new outdoor equipment, meaning adventurers can find top-tier brands for significantly less. From tents and backpacks to skis and kayaks, customers can discover the right gear without breaking the bank.
For those looking to upgrade, Second Gear’s consignment system is a game-changer. Bring in your gently used outdoor gear, and the store will sell it for you—allowing you to earn cash or store credit. This system not only benefits consignors but also keeps high-quality gear in circulation, reducing waste.
Over the past two decades, Second Gear has saved thousands of pounds of outdoor equipment from landfills by giving gear a second life. Additionally, the shop has contributed over $125,000 to nonprofit organizations supporting conservation and outdoor recreation in the Western North Carolina region.
📍 99 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC
📞 828-258-0757